Just saw this the other day. Not bad. There was a slight cheese factor to it, but overall it was pretty entertaining. I can't decide whether I like McConaunahey. On one side, you got the Wooderson from Dazed and Confused, who rocked, on the other side, you got this pretty boy sorta cheesedick.
Al Pacino is always good. Rene Russo's had better hair days.
If you're a sports fan, good movie. If you have a gambling problem, only go see the movie to learn and not to further the problem.
My room mate freshman year in college told me that MacConahay(i cant spell) was his cousin. He's from Mississippi(i kick ass at spelling) and he told me Mathew Maconwhatever was arrested for a public disturbence call naked playing the Bongo's on acid. Which as the "Dazed and Confused" side of him I could understand but he is kinda a dutchboy.