Hey saw the stone last night and I really enjoyed it. I was afraid to see it do to the "chick flick" factor. Great movie and everyone in the theater balled!!! great choice for a date!
The family really roughed up Sara J.'s character a bit but I guess they were trying to show how territorial families can be with new people entering the fray. That part was very realistic and the part where the sister is bringing in dirty laundry to wash for the weekend. LOL!!!
I couldn't believe it when they got that angry at her at the table. I understood why but it was still over the top with the Dad pounding his fist. I would have never entered that house again if an entire family that you didn't know yelled at you. She had it coming since she kept stating her point and wouldn't shut up about it so it is a toss up...
Loved the Luke Wilson character. I didn't think that for how uptight Sara J. was in the beginning that she would every realistically get that laidback in order to meld with Luke W.'s character. I just don't think it was entirely realistic or the character development was flawed or missing something to make it believable, by the end of the film. Thoughts?
My thoughts are the following:Why the Fuc K are you taking the movie to heart. ITS A CHICK FLICK and not worth the analyzing. Once you have seen a movie like MUNICH then you can talk to me about characters!
I love going to the movies with my girlfriend and upon realizing that the movie is a chick flick, I intentionally make mockingly sappy faces at her during the saptastic parts. That or I just start cracking up. This happened at the Family Stone, which was unnecessarily sappy during the final 45 minutes. It's so funny to see her face go from saptastic to FUCK YOU!!! Afterwards we laugh about it. She hates me for it, but loves me for it.
The all time funniest though was when my girlfriend came over to my house and we started watching the Sex and the City finale. She wanted to come to my house because she didn't have HBO and thought that it would quiet. Enter my 3 roommates (dudes) into the room. They sit down and right at the first emotional love scene, the orchestra of farts began to rumble around the horn. By the midway point of the show lighters were involved. Ah man, that was some funny $hit.
Maybe I should rephrase: what are the odds of me finding a girl who will tolerate my bull$hit and who somehow miraculously shares the same twisted foul sense of humor as me?
My intent was not to say that girls can't have a broad sense of humor (of course they can). It's just that most girls do not appreaciate (and I don't blame them) a certain aspect of my sense of humor that I can't seem to part with nor do I want to. A friend of mine (girl) referred to it as "potty humor."
Can I put down the dunce cap and come out of time out now?
no, you're grounded for two more weeks, at least!!
I've got a guy friend who always makes sexual innuendos as jokes and that's his brand of humor. I always don't know how to take it because that's not my style of humor. for example, he gave me this birthday card with a photo of naked men rollarbladers on the front and said something about how my skates are on backorder. you got to play that one in a certain way or it comes off as creepy, as his delivery can be sometimes. but he should find a girl that loves that and embraces the nasty.
I'd say my sense of humor is more weird with playing up parallels to strange things. generally, though, it appears that everyone has different types on agorafora but we all know we are f-cking with each other or I hope it comes across that way. either way, I tend to get a good laugh from the shock value or the insults.