Thoughts? I have this great screenplay idea that my sister's husband's brother is collaborating with me on but I think it would be better as a movie. He thinks radio. I'm not giving it away (the script idea to agorafora) but I don't normally listen to plays so is this a big thing on the radio?
the original idea is really, really, funny and bizarre and happened in real life but now I'm kind of over the humor part of it. It's like I told the joke too many times...and it involves message boards. LOL!!
Well it has been a minute since radio was a good medium to work with. But if your thinking cheap then radio definently wins. But who the **** listens to radio for stories anymore?? My grand ma did before televison took off but that was ages ago. Im saying a movie just makes logical since. I mean who the **** can actually sit down today and just listen to the radio? Well enough of this rant ... in conclusion radio is dated. Movies are still a good medium for now.