This movie is awsome. Shares a sound track and many of the same plot devices as True Romance This makes since because Tarrentino and the Director from top gun are both obsessed with this film. But Bad Lands came out first. Martin Sheen starts out as a out of towner ruffian who gets a job as a garbage man to make more money to leave the same town. While in this town he gets involved with this hot redhead (Sissy Spaceck). It kinda takes a natural born killers kind of turn and Martin Sheen's character gets more crazy and violent. But the love between them is so strong that Sissy Spaceck's character stays with him anyway. Great film.
This is before Apacolypse Now. The director from Top Gun worked with Quintin Tarentino on True Romance and HE was greatly influenced by this film I cannot conferm the Top Gun director's feelings about the film. Just to clear that up.
Thuggity has no taste WHATSOEVER!!! He is a goddam fool and only appreciates films that highlight senseless violence and toilet humor, as well as his queer agenda. I bet you thought "brokeback mountain" was a good film, rather then what it was... ANOTHER example of the left insinuating it's corrupt morals on society. I bet you would show this filth to children as well! FOR SHAME "T"! Why dont you rent a nice wholesome movie, like "Cheaper by the Dozen" or "Cheaper by the dozen 2" these films are very whitty and really show what a great american family man mr. Steve Martin is. He has stuck true to his good mormon morals and continues to produce wholesome movies. STEER CLEAR OF THUGGITY'S SMUT
DVDA wrote: ... ANOTHER example of the left insinuating it's corrupt morals on society.
What does this mean? To insinuate means to allude. So, how is the Left alluding to its morals? I'd say your point is that it's blatent (meaning obvious). Wouldn't you mean that it is trying to influence society with its corrupt morals that are displayed in movies?
In my job i could accidentally remove a toe with a meat cleaver or a buzz saw. Also it would be unhygenic to be around raw meat with my feet. Not to mention the matter of appropriate attire. To go around showing your naked body is truly sinful. the only part of your body that should be shown to anyone but your wives, are your face and hands. As far as I am conerned, showing skin is next to cheating on your spouse. Perhaps in your state, thong shoes and half-length pants are acceptable, but our cumonity looks down on it
You show your ignorance. in the few clans that are active in this way, the marraiges are a partnership among equals. Our women understand their roles and are happy
And why the hell would ANYONE think "Cheaper by the dozen 2" was a good movie?
And FUCK the remake the original Cheaper was a classic. At least Bads Lands is an original concept. The new Cheaper by the... movies are just rehashed BULLSHIT some marketer thought was a good way to make a cool mil. Get some culture DVDA.
I can insult you without even knowing who you are. But you know me already and you just make up lies to tell on this website. At least talk REAL ****. I mean if you are my old crony, which I doubt, you would know real dirt on me and not this made up crap.
I hope whoever DVDA is--is getting a huge laugh out out of his fundamentalist rhetoric that we've had to absorb over the past couple of days. In the end, he needs to start thinking of his actions and not spend all of his time damning others'. He's hardly what I would categorize as a humanitarian, a logical thinker or a compassionate person. I'm surprised that he has not started a virtual witch trial on the boards.
Yeah, the whole thing is a bunch of BULLSHIT I don't know this guy at all. It is just some friend I know ****ing with me. Although I can't prove it yet. But there will be a time soon.