Humor abounded from it's quirky, off-beat characters. What I really loved was how human it was. Went with a friend who found the main character dispicable and pathetic, not the least bit endearing; Though I too found him pathetic, we differed, because I found him endearing. Not that I was sympathetic to his homemade plight of misery, but empathetic to the nature of being in a hole.
Anyway, I was glad for the absurdity and loved that I never once knew where the movie was going. The whole time I could not have predicted the outcome of any scene, much less what it was leading toward. And maybe I'm a sucker, but I thoroughly enjoyed the wine to life/people metaphor. A hair overdone, but really well done.
You know what scene made no sense in terms of the rest of the movie? The mom scene where he goes to her house for her birthday, boozes her up, she passes out and then he steals money out of her dresser while she's asleep. I almost would bet that the blond girl character would be so turned off by that if she ever found out. Endearing can only work so far for Miles. That made him very human and schmuck-like.