This film was not what I was expecting at all. I had my doubts but it was not a bad one. Not nearly as much combat as I expected but it doesn't hurt the film's message at all. It was a little cliche' in parts (with the grab ass and what not) but overall I would recommend this movie. A couple of questions after the credits run but what can you do? Do you have a favorite war movie? If so than what?
Hell yeah, good morning vietnam definently fits. Some of my favorites are: Platoon, Apocolypse Now, and Black Hawk Down. All are amazing films as well,
This might be another reach in the category but "Fog of War" has to be my favorite war narrative. This one goes down as one of my cross-category favorites.
Caught JARHEAD yesterday and am still trying to figure out what I think about it. I guess the movie serves as sort of a documentary to understand the mind set of the it is effective in recreating the mentality and atmosphere. For some reason though, I was disappointed. Maybe because it wasn't actually a documentary but a movie, packaged as an action flick, and came up short. I think in trying to document the real experience, the director tried a little too hard to be a narrator without actually creating a storyline, conflicts, etc.