I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. Just watched this the other day. If you're in to Wilco, you should check this movie out. Can get it on Netflix. These guys make you realize that not only is Rock n Roll not dead, but that there are some true musicians of our generation who can be successful through a struggle with the bottom-line record labels. It's also nice to see a band just say f*ck it. we are who we are and we're going to work hard to make the music that we want to make," and if sells it sells, and if not, then not. And that we are willing to take a risk on a different sound which could break us as a band, but would be done without selling ourselves out.
Never really got into Wilco. Haven't heard much of their stuff but what I did hear sounded like Pink Floyd which is good I guess. I'll have to check out that documentary.
what are a couple of songs from Wilco that are good? I tried to listen to them and couldn't really find a song that immediately jumped out to me. I am curious as there is a big following down here.