My attention span was lost forever when Gywneth claims she is 26 (in the film) yet she is playing against Jake Gyllenhaul who is a lot younger. Don't distract the audience with facts that are glaringly off. She looks fantastic but the entire time you can't focus on her angst and her angry outbursts at her medicated sister because you're thinking about how she has no mascara on and is it because she has to look really young and any bit of make up would throw it to the winds forever?
This needed more of a "why is a proof" important point to the dumb audience (me). I got into math like the rest of us a long time ago but XY and if/then statements don't hold a power to me. The poetic montage of the father's proof further dilluded the excitement of knowing who wrote what and why it mattered.
I did like the parts where she wondered whether she was crazy. I'm not sure why Jake was insistent that she was not. Was it naivety or did he want to shag her repeatedly? don't answer that.